Saturday, May 30, 2009

Field Trip Extravaganza

So I decided to take a vacation. Destination: Raleigh, NC. You are probably wondering why I chose this city in case you don't know already. Adam grew up here, it was where he considered home. My best friend and I are visiting his best friends that still reside here. We will be coming back Wednesday.

Dear Adam,
How is it that you like this city better than Dallas?! No offense residents of NC, you have a lot of wonderful trees... but there is nothing to do out here! I am glad that we didn't move out here when you wanted to. Well, I don't know if I would say that I am glad, because the only reason it never happened is because you aren't here.

I guess it wouldn't have mattered as long as I was with you.

Ok back to this post.

So the day before I left for this city, I saw my therapist. It went alright. She needs to get better at her profession or find a new one. My original therapist made me feel like I was on a huge high after I was done with him. This one makes me just want to kill her. I don't know. I don't feel the need to see her anymore. I don't really have anything left to talk to her about. I still have the feeling that she doesn't care about the other person, she cut our session short by 15 minutes.


I forgot what I was going to say.

This week hasn't been as miserable as other weeks. Hooray for happy days. Maybe I am just getting used to being alone finally.

Although I do have something important to say about this trip, but I will discuss this topic later when I am back in my own home. Be prepared, it will be of me ranting. Unless my head cools off by the time I get back.

I am only good at writing in this when I am feeling shitty and missing Adam hardcore.

Tonight we are all supposed to be eating Korean food. I am thoroughly excited. Oh! I think the plus side of this vacation is that I am catching up on sleep... which is fan-FUCKING-tastic! I haven't slept so much since Adam passed. And it is amazing.

Ok... I'm out

I loves you babe.

1 comment:

  1. please type a rant post. i want to read it and enjoy it.
